Hailing from the world's largest small town, Big Okie Doom is an Oklahoma City band with years of street cred, while maintaining virtual anonymity. Having been involved in bands such as the legendary New Orleans based "The Slugs" (now known as Crowbar), Pavement recording artist "Ugly Stick", the L.A. pop-punk band "Kottak", and other projects... Now, in anticipation of the release of their first CD with LACKPRO Records it is not likely the members of Big Okie Doom will be able to continue lurking in the shadows. People are going stand up and listen. This album has got groove. The style of Big Okie Doom is an incomparable amalgam of fused influences that include stoner rock with heavy metal vocals that explode from a outlaw country core. This band provides crunchy guitar riffs that lean toward flashy, then come back to tasty. The drums create a rhythmic melody into which you want to fall and flow. The bass follows where it should, and leads when it needs. In any particular song you might hear hints of TOOL, Ted Nugent, Queens Of The Stone Age or Clutch... but B.O.D. doesn't attempt to emulate their peers.
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